Contact Me

If you're interested in fundraising for a loved one/anything at all, get in touch with me and I'll gladly promote any worthy cause. 

If you have any suggestions/critiques/complaints, please don't hesitate to let me know. This whole thing is a work in progress, I'm sure I will screw it up at some point. Just call me out. 



  1. You and your blog are amazing!!!! I'm a friend of Emma ( who btw is amazing also) your wit and humor really draws you in t
    Your honestly of the situation would help many going through similar situations Please keep up the blog LOVE it, LOVE the dog and what can I say about the beard .....Love keep strong !!!! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers

  2. Thank you for sharing your story...I discovered your blog when I was at U of M getting a second opinion on my breast cancer diagnosis. It really helped me to stay positive, and it motivated me to do my own blog which turned out to be great therapy. Spartans Will...
