Friday, November 20, 2015

Rules be damned...and an update

At my doctors appointment on Tuesday, I learned that starting on December 3, I will begin chemotherapy again. 

I will be going every three weeks for a full year.


This was not expected. 

This decision was based on the results of a recent study that showed this particular drug to be effective at combating a recurrence of aggressive lymphomas.

It isn't the worst news in the world. In a sense, it's playing offense instead of defense. It's what is best for me.

Still, it's a full year of chemo, when I was fairly certain I was done with that poison for what I hoped it would be the rest of my life. 

I'm not trying to be dramatic, but I'm pissed.

It doesn't mean that the transplant did or did not work. 

In fact, everything else looks good.

I will do my first post transplant pet scan on December 28. Obviously, the results of that scan could drastically change all of this. 

Hopefully it won't.

I am not happy with the news I received on Tuesday. 

So I'm going to break the rules, and travel out of the state and attend an event with a large group of people.

I will be in Columbus at the horseshoe on Saturday afternoon to watch Michigan State smash Ohio State. 

Maybe I'll chew some gum I find on the street and drink from a public fountain. 

What a rebel. 

If my doctors and nurses have a problem with it, they can take it up with me next time I'm in Ann Arbor.

I'll be there for chemo. 

"Know the rules well, so that you can break them effectively." -Dalai Lama

Fuck Cancer. Go Green. 

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