Sunday, March 1, 2015

This is fascinating--and worth your time.

A friend of mine shared this on facebook, and I was blown away. Obviously, anything concerning potentially finding a cure for Cancer is deeply personal--moreso because of the loss of my Mother and other loved ones than because of my own experience. 

At times, it's difficult to believe that we haven't arrived at a cure for this nightmare already, but to see that real, documented progress is being made on that front, well--it's more than a little exciting.

The video shows a bit of the emotional toll that the disease takes on patients who have it much worse than I do. Frankly, given the impact it's had on me, I can't imagine the strength some of these people have.

I knew moments of weakness would happen throughout this process, but part of the reason I keep having "absences" from the blog is simple:

I'm just too tired.

I'm over 4 months into chemotherapy, and as much as I'd like to say it's been a piece of cake and that I've conquered it like the tough guy I am (in my own head), it takes a heavy toll--often times more mentally than physically.

And I'm 4 months in.

I receive treatment next to people who are over a year into it. Some two years.

I personally know people who battled for longer than 5 years, and though they did not survive, I won't say they lost. They just had to take a break.

The point I guess I'm trying to make--is if I've struggled with this the way that I have at times, and in general have it PHENOMENALLY good in comparison to the majority of other Cancer patients, what these people are going through, in 2015, feels more than just sad and unfortunate.

It's unacceptable.

Find a fucking cure.

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