Apparently I lied.
Early in the morning on the day of last years Michigan/Michigan State football game, a best friend of mine, Marc Simon, was killed after being struck by a car.
Today isn't the anniversary of the event, that's November 2nd, but this day and this game will always be a reminder of what happened. I can't honestly say I remember much at all of that day. I walked around in a fog and tried to keep my mind focused on work. Broke down more than a few times, but got through it.
In the year since, I still don't think I've necessarily come to terms with it. It still doesn't seem real. I still hear his annoying laugh, still hear him fighting with his twin brother, still hear him arguing about how Kobe Bryant is the best ever.
Then, on days like today, when I don't hear any of those things, I miss him that much more.
Days like today are far too quiet.
What a bunch of clowns |
Since starting this blog, I've had a lot of people, strangers included, take the time to tell me that they are impressed by my "positive attitude." These are very nice things to say, and I really appreciate them. Still, I can't help but wonder if these people had ever known or met Marc if they would still say such a thing to me.
People who know me well, and who knew Marc well, know I fall well short in the "positive attitude" category in a side by side comparison.
I've never known someone who had so much energy, so much passion for his friends, and believed as much in being positive as Marc did.
It's all so cliche, everything I've just said about him.
I guess it's why it's frustrating that in his case it's also so true.
I can't find another way to accurately describe the guy than cliches, because he was genuinely that great.
I miss him.
let's GOOOOO.
I came across Marc's Eulogy the other day. Here it is:
Hello, my name is Marcus Calverley, and I met Marc in 7th grade.
I’m going to begin with a quote, by Henry Ward Beecher:
“In things pertaining to enthusiasm, no man is sane who does not know how to be insane, on proper occasions.”
I love Marc Simon. And if there is one thing I can say about him, it is that he is easily the most enthusiastic person I have ever known. There were times, in my mind, that this enthusiasm bordered on insane. I’ve never been around someone so excited about life, or sports, or music, or movies, or literally whatever topic was being discussed at the moment. Unless you had 30 minutes to spare, you didn’t get him started on the Lakers, or the Spartans, or which 90’s boy band was the best, or about basically anything at all.
He was loud, and he was opinionated, and he was excitable. The man could talk. And for people who didn’t know him, how animated he was probably came off as an act at times. But I think everyone here knows better.
If there is one thing that will forever be true about Marc, it's that he was always authentic.
I don’t want to speak for the group up here, but I think it’s safe to say there were times that we were annoyed by this enthusiasm. We get it, Marc, you like Kobe Bryant. We get it, Marc, Justin Timberlake is the coolest. We get it, Marc, Tom Izzo is the best coach ever to walk the earth. We get it.
But what I didn’t always get, at least until the last few days, was how much I was going to miss being annoyed by Marc.
And what I understand now, which feels too late, is that of all the things Marc was enthusiastic about: What he was most excited about--was me, and all the people up here with me, and everyone in this room.
In the past two days, I’ve had many people approach me to tell me how envious they are of my group of friends, and how close we have all stayed as we’ve grown up and gone our separate ways. It’s a nice thing to say, and I’m proud of it. But all of that credit belongs to Marc. He never would have had it another way. Marc is the glue. His energy, and his love for us made certain we would never drift far apart. And just like Marc, always one to get his way, his far too early passing has guaranteed what he always wanted: for us to be together until our times up.
He loved me. He loved all of us. And we loved him right back.
If there is one thing I’ve learned from Marc that I will never forget, it’s that if anyone tells you…that there’s such a thing as having too much enthusiasm, or being too excited, or too loud---they’re either stupid, or they’re lying. Either way, you don’t need them around you.
If we all could be a little more like Marc Simon, we’d be very lucky people.
I’ll end with another quote, and this one may as well be by Marc himself:
It’s by Dale Carnagie:
“Today is life - the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.” Thank you for teaching me this Marc. I’ll see you later buddy. I love you.