Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chemo Breakfast And Beard Loss Probability Statistics

Feeling about how I expected to. Stomach cramps/lack of appetite are an issue. Tired, sore, blah blah blah. It could all be worse. I also know many of the effects of Chemo are cumulative, so I'm going to try and enjoy the way I'm feeling now, maybe go to the gym or something.

 A UofM nurse called me this morning to ask how I was, if I had any questions and so on. Maybe that's routine from any Cancer center, but I definitely appreciated it. The UofM Cancer Center, thus far, has done nothing but impress the hell out of me. Anyway, she probably was expecting a question about the cocktail of pills (pictured) I'll take multiple times per day, or why my urine is orange/red, or why I feel like I need to puke but cant, or why my fingers and toes have been tingling for 24 hours, but...

I've been making it a habit of asking everyone I run into or speak to there what the chances are that my beard will fall out. Not one answer has been the same, so it's been entertaining. 

Nurse Lisa's answer: "Well I'm not, 50/50?"

This is on the low end of the spectrum thus far, and also one of the first to give me numbers. Most answers have been "unlikely, probable, possible" and even one "does it matter all that much?"

Well, short answer is 

No thanks, no bacon and eggs for me, I'll just have a Meijer brand nutritional shake. For breakfast. And most other meals. 

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